When Might Your Business Need A Notary?
A notary will work with businesses required to provide independent proof of documents, transactions and facts to the satisfaction of authorities overseas.
Appointing An Agent
The Notary witnesses powers of attorney to enable you to conduct the necessary processes.
Evidence Of A Company’s Existence
The Notary certifies the authenticity of the documents to meet the requirements.
Setting Up A Company Abroad
The Notary certifies and authenticates relevant documents to enable the company to become legally established.
Tender Documents
The Notary witnesses signatures and authenticates documents on your behalf.
Providing Qualifications
The Notary authenticates qualifications to prove employees’ status to foreign authorities.
Providing Copies Of Documents
The Notary certifies these to prove their identity to foreign authorities.
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The Notary witnesses the signing of the acknowledgement.
Legalising Documents
The Notary makes the application (also known as obtaining an Apostle) using his experienced agents.
Taking Oaths & Other Declarations
The Notary administers these to those appearing before him in the UK in order that they can be used as evidence for foreign jurisdictions or in court proceedings.
Presenting Bills Of Exchange
The Notary presents the bill and notes any protest and records any dishonour.
Evidence For Foreign Courts
The Notary takes the depositions to be used as evidence in foreign proceedings.